Digital Marketing is the act of promoting and advertising your business in our new age world of technology. Websites, social media, videos, photos/images and email are all tools that are used for digital marketing.

A digital marketing agency is a business (like us!) which assists other companies with their online marketing efforts. Agencies can be as involved as the client would like. For some of our clients we handle all digital projects but for others we only provide ideas and recommendations through consulting. Our goal is to be an extension of our clients’ teams, support internal marketing teams with specialized digital services.

We recommend starting digital marketing by thinking about your audience and your priorities. This will help you decide which digital marketing tactics will be the right fit for you. For example, if you’re selling a service aimed at individuals nearing retirement, Instagram and Snapchat probably don’t make sense for your business, while LinkedIn and Facebook would be a better fit for your audience.

YES YES YES. You don’t have to replace your traditional marketing efforts with digital ones, but it is 2020 and if the word digital doesn’t come into your marketing strategy then your business will not thrive. It really is as simple as that.

“Inbound marketing is a business methodology that attracts customers by creating valuable content and experiences tailored to them. While outbound marketing interrupts your audience with content they don’t want, inbound marketing forms connections they’re looking for and solves problems they already have”

Definitely! You should never assume that because social media has become so hugely popular, that it’s enough to solely focus your digital marketing strategy on social platforms. There are more active email accounts than active accounts on any social media in the world. Email marketing is more private and often feels more personal to the consumer. Most people are consistently tuned into their email, checking it multiple times a day and constantly seeing notifications appear on their mobiles, laptops and tablets.

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is the practice of making sure your website is visible, working correctly, and set up properly for search engine indexing. This is done by making sure your content is latent with keywords that relate to terms users are entering in search engines. SEO is a tricky practice, and when it comes to hiring an agency to perform SEO tasks for your business, make sure you vet all companies based on their past track records of succes

Depending on your customized marketing plan, it can take 3-4 months to start seeing significant rankings. These timelines can vary depending on your type of business, campaign goals and much more. We will provide you a true timeline for when you can expect results prior to beginning a campaign.

It’s essential to measure all digital marketing platforms, tools, and initiatives. The most trusted source to measure digital marketing is Google Analytics. Trusted by all marketers, Google Analytics provides a way to measure all things marketing.
To measure marketing ROI, it is essential to understand your marketing goals and costs. From there, it’s simple math to extract the metrics from the inherent cost to derive your ROI.

Yes, yes and yes again! Approximately 60% of traffic on search engines is from mobile devices like phone and tablets. If your website is not mobile friendly, you are turning away many potential customers. The experts at Infinity Digital can create a brand new website that is mobile friendly or convert them into customers.