THE BEGINNING Challenge & Solution

We also worked with a group of clinics that specialize in laser hair-removal. They hired us to turn more visitors into paying customers, or boost their conversion rate.

The challenge specific to the laser hair removal industry was the fact that high-profit margins led to increased competition. Some players in the market offer huge discounts and deals to try and make some quick cash.

From the customer’s perspective, laser hair removal is a sensitive topic, which means that they don’t want too many others to know that they’re looking for such services. That also means that it’s tough to get honest opinions about what works and what doesn’t.

Our approach started with conducting on-site and email surveys to capture as much information as possible from customers anonymously.

From there, we called our client’s business and experienced the process of laser hair removal from beginning to end from the point of view of a customer. This was extremely useful in generating ideas for improvements to test, as well as getting in the heads of potential customers.

Next, we dug into months and months of call center data to identify issues and prioritize them in order of how much each one affected the bottom line.

Our client received an ROI of over 475%. By targeting both desktop and mobile traffic, we were able to boost conversion rates across both successful user segments and segments that were previously underperforming.

Less Page Views

Increased Page Views

EASY STEPS Our Working Process


01. Research Project


02. Find Ideas


03. Start Optimize


04. Reach Target

The final Result

47% growth in organic traffic
No. 1 rankings for multiple

Increased average page views

44 %

Increased Length of each visit

32 %

Increased Organic traffic

28 %

Decreased Bounce Rate

6 %

Love From Clients

PROMISE TO TAKE YOU ON TOP Take your website to TOP of Search Engines