THE BEGINNING Challenge & Solution

At AppointPanda, we worked with a client who manufactures scooters (who wishes to remain anonymous). Scooters started off as a simple skateboard with handlebars, but over time they have become small two-wheeled vehicles made for people to commute longer distances. It’s now a common method of commuting for both high school and college students. 

The client approached us with a limited ad budget and a desire to start experimenting with some digital marketing tactics to capture a larger share of the younger demographic.

When ad budgets are tight, some entrepreneurs mistakenly conclude that organic traffic is their only option.

However, for those who understand how to utilize paid traffic, you can get significant reach and conversions in a very short amount of time which could benefit your business more than waiting months and months to rank in organic search.

For the scooter manufacturer, we launched campaigns on Google AdWords, Bing, Yahoo! Stream Ads, and Amazon Product Ads across all major devices. This way, we could be sure that the client had visibility on different devices and on different ad platforms.

The campaign consisted of display ads to drive brand awareness and product-listing ads that users would see when they searched for a competitor. From there, we monitored the ROI of each channel and killed all underperforming ads.

We drove nearly $1 million in revenue for the client in just a little over a year.

Less Page Views

Increased Page Views

EASY STEPS Our Working Process


01. Research Project


02. Find Ideas


03. Start Optimize


04. Reach Target

The final Result

42% growth in organic traffic
No. 1 rankings for multiple

Increased average page views

66 %

Increased Length of each visit

79 %

Increased Organic traffic

43 %

Decreased Bounce Rate

10 %

Love From Clients

PROMISE TO TAKE YOU ON TOP Take your website to TOP of Search Engines